Statement of Teaching Philosophy

Teaching is a critical aspect of academia, particularly in the field of computer science. It goes beyond the mere dissemination of information and involves inspiring students to question and pursue their research actively. With the field continually evolving and expanding, it is vital to motivate students to stay curious and engaged. I am committed to empowering my students with the skills they need to succeed. I believe that a sense of empowerment comes from the ability to analyze, discover, and develop novel insights and techniques that can be applied to real-world challenges. Moreover, it arises from recognizing one's value as a member of society. As an educator, I strive to instill this sense of confidence and purpose in my students, ultimately guiding them toward a brighter future.

My teaching philosophy rests on three fundamental principles. Firstly, I believe that students learn best when they are actively engaged with their peers and the instructor. This means creating an environment where students can collaborate, share ideas, and participate in meaningful discussions that foster critical thinking. Secondly, I understand that there is no "one size fits all" approach to teaching. As such, I am committed to continuously growing pedagogically and improving as an educator. I am always exploring new teaching methods and strategies that can help me better meet the needs of my students. Finally, I am deeply committed to open communication with my students. I want them to feel comfortable coming to me with any questions or concerns they may have. By fostering a proactive and supportive dialogue, I can help address any issues that arise and ensure that all students have the opportunity to thrive in their studies.

I structure all my courses using a critical pedagogy approach because I firmly believe that students learn more effectively when they understand the real-world impact of their work and field. By connecting theoretical concepts to practical applications, I aim to create a learning environment that inspires students to think critically and develop a deeper understanding of their subject matter. Ultimately, this approach empowers students to become more engaged and active participants in their chosen field.

I lectured the course on modeling and simulation as an assistant professor at the University of Constantine2 - Abdelhamid Mehri for approximately eighty graduate students (first year of the master's degree program). This course presents an introduction to modeling and simulation, the classification of models (physical modeling, symbolic modeling, static modeling, dynamic modeling ), mathematical modeling (Simple mathematical modeling, Operations research), State machine modeling (Finite-state machine, State chart), and Petri net modeling. It also presents some simulation tools used in the computer science field. The core course allows students to acquire the technical and practical skills they need to succeed in both research and industry, such as the understanding of the evolution of a dynamic natural mechanism, for example, the spread of infectious disease. Simulating a production process helps optimize resource usage, improve planning accuracy, and grow a business.

I have taught the practical work of the course \textit{Network Fundamentals} as an assistant professor at the University of Constantine2 - Abdelhamid Mehri to undergraduate students (second year of the bachelor's degree program) for approximately thirty-five students. This course presents an overview of corporate networks, their role, and the different equipment that composes them. It explains the fundamental principles of networks, such as switching modes or the structuring of protocols in layers.

I have taught the practical work of the course multimedia image processing techniques as an assistant professor at the University of Constantine2 - Abdelhamid Mehri to undergraduate students (third year of the bachelor's degree program) for approximately thirty-five students. This course presents digital image processing (image characteristics: definition, pixel, dimension, resolution, etc.), the human visual system and artificial vision system, main image formats, color models (RGB, YUV, YCbCr), and image processing (contour neighborhood, histogram equalization, threshold, binarization), classification and segmentation of 2D images, and 2D image compression algorithms.

I have taught the practical work of the course introduction to algorithmics as a teacher assistant at the University of Constantine1 - Mentouri brothers for undergraduate students (first year of the bachelor's degree program) for approximately thirty-five students The course presents the prevalent data formats, algorithmic frameworks, and algorithms used to solve these difficulties. The course focuses on how algorithms and programming relate to one another.